VOX Music Cloud supports most audio formats, including uncompressed, lossy and lossless.

To store music, users can upload it to VOX Music Cloud – an online music storage with unlimited storage space. Vox 2.0 introduces a minimal interface, reminiscent of the Winamp audio player, and a number of features considered unique in comparison to macOS's built-in iTunes. The new 1.0 version of Vox was released on August 6, 2013, and in less than 6 months, Coppertino released the new 2.0 version of the music player. In 2011, Nonni sold Vox to Coppertino, a Ukrainian Mac developer company headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, in exchange for minority stock. Released in 2007 by a student, Alessio Nonni, Vox was designed to be a lightweight media player that supports playing various file types including lossless formats.